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With enormous passion for dance, Melvin & Sharon wanted most to impart dance education and contribute to the development of the DanceSport scene in Singapore.

It is with this in mind and heart that the duo created Brillante International DanceSport Championship as a unique event to provide the most prestigious, innovative and forward-thinking competition in Singapore. Showcasing breakthrough technology and world-class show dancing right in the iconic landmark of Singapore - Marina Bay Sands Expo and Convention Centre.

The experience is enhanced with a one-of-its-kind mobile application for the audience and competitors. Available on both IOS and Android platforms, this event brings you real-time information at your fingertips. Receive Live Recalls and Results at the touch of a button away.

Brillante International DanceSport Championship is for everyone who shares a mutual passion for ballroom dancing. It stands for everyone's right to enjoy the ballroom; the freedom to dance. Bringing you unforgettable memories and inspiration for the next generation of dancers. 

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Ready to return?

Brillante welcomes dancers of all ages, race, religion and gender Let's make these competitions one of inclusivity, grace and a mark of sportsmanship.

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