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On the Turntable
活動前 0 天
2023年11月11日 下午8:00
Ngee Ann Polytechnic - Music Box
Revisit those that blazed the trail with their music in our Ballroom Dance production paying homage to those icons of our time.
Colored Theatre Lights
if you would like to put in more to support YYD's free tuition program for low-income families, please click here
Lady Legs
Please know that for us to donate $20 for each ticket paid for by you, we have to add $1 to the ticket cost online to cover our website's payment processing fee. We hope you'll understand why online tickets are $21.

Physical tickets are still sold at $20. Do reach out to us on WhatsApp if you would like a physical ticket instead! 

prepare yourselves for an iconic evening

Why do we work to support YYD?


Send us your donation via PayNow with our UEN 200910066KTDA with your "name-donation".

Let's help the underprivilege kids in Singapore get the best academic support possible for their studies. No child should be left unattended!

YYD and Donation UEN
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